Unproductive Season 2

Don’t wake sleeping kid up!

Brayden has been my favorite character. Unproductive reminds me of a “The Office” styled comedy, but it’s in a production instead of a marketing office. Brayden reminds me of Michael Scott, but he is much stricter. His ability to put characters on a rotisserie and burn them with some hilarious puns is great. In Episode one when he texted Mia “M.I.A.” and turned it into an acronym of a reason to why she is being a failure was priceless. While the scenes are going on you can usually see Grayson, and whatever he is doing can make you laugh. Also, Alex is up there with Grayson as one of my favorite characters. All his sex puns are great. The pressure his mother in law is putting on him and his lover to have a kid is even put on a lot of my friends today, so it is relatable. My least favorite character has to be Will, for he just reminds me of such a try hard human being. In Episode 2 when Will is questioning Collin on his experience in his military, it felt so disrespectful. Even though he didn’t kill anybody, for he was a computer hacker, it just felt as if he was not comfy speaking about it. In a gathering of friends drinking, that’s usually a topic to bring up. Will kept forcing it. I would love to hang out with these people, because it is a very diverse group of friends. He is so focused on his music video and doesn’t really show any real relevance to the development of everything going on. I feel like Will doesn’t care about that class as much as every other person in there. Will helps Collin in the studio, but not with his personal issues. That is what makes this great, for almost every character puts their 5 cents in to help Collin out with Mia. For goodness sake, even Brayden helps Collin out with Mia, and he’s the biggest douche in the story. They come together because of their production and their hate towards Brayden, but they are all very different. In society today, the youth usually makes friends with similar interests and there is no diversity in among social groups anymore.


My favorite episode is Episode 5. It’s interesting to see characters who can’t go home for the holidays try and improvise. The awkwardness in the room between Collin and Mia is definitely something that has happened to me plenty of times, but as the episode progresses it gets better and better. Sleeping kid was a necessity in this episode, for he broke a lot of the ice in the room. Him sleeping made Mia and Collin laugh enough to get to know each other better. Plus, sleeping kid brought wine, and military man Collin forgot to go on an alcohol run; which made Mia feel even more awkward. She was in his apartment, which was a melting pot, drinking soda. In that same episode when sleeping kid walked in and was already asleep after giving Collin the bottle of wine. This scene meant a lot because the subtle humor plays in later on the series. Sleeping kid never talks, but when Collin is in a huge dilemma because he finds out Mia and Brayden had sex, sleeping kid is the one who puts Collin in his spot. He makes Collin see that he actually does like Mia. My favorite scene in this entire has to be in Episode 6, where Collin runs into Mia in the Brooklyn College Café. While he’s asking her why she hasn’t been to class, she’s going through her own issues because her tuition has to be paid ASAP. Mia obviously doesn’t have the money at the moment and is going through immense stress, and nothing better than Brayden showing up. Brayden is the biggest buzzkill ever, for he exposes Collin the truth that he had sex with Mia. That is such a bummer, for it was great way to get back at the person who took your position as director. You can see Collin’s heart drop, for why would anyone want to have a one night stand with a guy like Brayden?? The world may never know.


I think next season everything is going to go well, but there will be a twist. Collin might get caught for hacking the financial office to let Mia’s tuition slide, and he will be arrested. Brayden will finally feel like he needs to stop being an ominous human being and he will take the blame. The story will progress with Alex and Alexis in their privacy in their own household. Also, Alexis might be pregnant now that she can have sex in peace. Will will blow up throughout the music video industry now that his music video with the artist Professor put him on with has done well. The Professor recognizes every character in a way to make them feel good. Towards the end, he tells Juniper she’ll make a great activist. Juniper is insane.


A great way to advertise or market this series is presenting it to the Twitter or Instagram pages that help underground series gain some recognition. The anger with the “hipsters” taking over Brooklyn and all the people being pushed out their homes in Brooklyn because the raise in rent. Property value has only sky rocketed in Brooklyn not too long ago, so maybe if a representative of “Unproductive” went to the meetings where people with power discuss these issues and present to them the series. Somebody with power can have lots of money or followers, and every view matters. The audience for this series is perfect too, for it has the drama that young people love, it has the relevance to the financial issues in Brooklyn that older people like, and it has overall plot that is risky enough to get your blood pressure rising. I mean my heart was beating when Brayden started bragging to Collin that he had sex with Mia… IN FRONT OF MIA. Ultimately, he is the biggest loser in the world for that. Another marketing scheme that could work is Sleeping Kid memes. Different reasons for why you want to be asleep is big bold text on a picture of Sleeping Kid, sleeping. “Finals in Brooklyn College got me like…” or “When you forget to drink that morning coffee before lecture”. Things that are relatable to college students, for it will lead to them to click the page that has links to the series.


I related to Collin and his awkwardness so much that Unproductive overall had a quick impact on me. It may not be something that I will overall remember, but the character and the friendship that was within that group is different. It is not your typical expectation for the college experience, the party every day college experience. This series uncovered some of my flaws that hurt me every day socially. It can impact somebody else in a form that can be more cataclysmic than my own experience. Can’t wait until Season 3!


I disagree.

I disagree with Mr.Plinkett’s review of Star Wars. He is not in the millennial mindset, for Star Wars had such a great meaning to the youth today. This Star Wars forced almost all my friends, who wee ignorant to Star Wars  before episode seven, to watch every single previous movie. They even had to learn how to watch it in chronological order.

I did not yawn, I did not sleep, but I also did not cheer. Star Wars just had a regular intro into Disney effect on me, but it was not a bad movie. The cinematography, visuals, and the cast was great. Did you see the way those lightsabers looked? I don’t think they’ve looked that great…EVER! I do not know why Plinkett would call Disney making these movies, Marvel especially, endless cinematography. I see what he is saying with the massive amount of movies being produced, but it is not endless if it’s a good movie. Did you see the trailer to the next Star Wars movie? That trailer made this movie look like dust, for Disney pulled me in.

I have been waiting years for another Star Wars movie. After I finished Episode 6, I went on to watch the Cartoon Network special, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The Clone Wars is just endless episodes of what happened during the Clone Wars. I don’t know why I watched it, but the action is so entertaining. Watching a show that shows an animated Boba Fett has to be interesting! The Clone Troopers had way more personality in the cartoons than they did in the movies, but in Episode 7, personality changed.

Disney ,being revolutionary, did a great job in opening a door that would allow us to appreciate other Star Wars Films. It broke what Plinkett brings up of the “Hidden Composition”. I’ve never really saw that same structure in the Star Wars scenes. Disney changed the scene sequence, for they are not really paired with another movie. It is a new start, a new AWAKING.

I won’t bash Star Wars for recycling these constant cinematic scenes throughout different movies, for their movies are really long. Although they’re long, they’re entertaining. You wouldn’t really notice that each movie has something similar with its pairing, but maybe thats the point. 3 hours of Jedi is meant to blur your memory? That’s still not a good reason to bash George Lucas. He did do something that no other Star Wars movie could have done. Disney produced this movie for two audiences and I think that was the most important part of this Star Wars. They had to appeal to the old people who’ve been watching Star Wars before I was even born, and they had to appeal to the young audience. There are obviously young people who love Star Wars, a lot, so they can just be classified under those who have beeb watching it since before I was even born.

The massive expansion of the Star Wars world is what makes it great. My heart skipped ten beats when Rey was in the basement of that black market, and the first order arrived to DESTROY HER.Nobody would ever think that a girl who hasn’t really used the force or has any real battling experience can go up head-to-head with Kylo Ren, the new generations Darth Vader. Kylo Ren is too soft as a character, even though he killed his father, and that is where Disney did it wrong. They made the protagonist too strong, and the antagonist too soft.

I did not enjoy those fight scenes where the combat shifted because of “love”, or “friendship”. Star Wars has it’s broadway musical fights, but ten minutes later the guy who is more powerful, uses the dark side of power, and has been taught to wield a lightsaber for years loses to a girl who just learned how to hold her lightsaber. She should have at least lost a finger or something in that battle.

Han Solo’s death killed me too. He died to his pathetic son who doesn’t scare anybody, for Adam Driver does not have the face of a villain. They should have kept his mask on the entire movie, because I do not know who can take him seriously. A Dracula looking male kills father who just wanted to be with his son. Han Solo did not go through all of this just to die like that. His legacy in Star Wars is far more prestigious than some pathetic death. Chewbacca? Now you’re going to let Chewbacca be alone because of your family drama. Dr.Phil could’ve fixed that family drama easily!

Do you remember execution order 66? That was a brutal massacre. Brutal Deaths. Brutal everything. Anakin killed Jedi CHILDREN! This reminds me of The Walking Dead when Neegan and The Saviors go around and kill kids and males over 10 because they are a threat. Anakin went to the Jedi Temple, where the kids were hiding, and just killed them. The darkness is his heart could not be fixed.

Episode III was insane, but nothing beats the scene where Anakin is left to burn. How can somebody survive that? Not only did he survive it, but he had the greatest comeback EVER. He went from the greatest antagonist in the story to the greatest antagonist with a mask. Luke would be so proud if he knew the amount of things Anakin had went through in order to become such a great villain. He is no ordinary villain like Senator Palpatine, who nobody knows is the Lord of the Dark Side, even though he wears a hoodie that CLEARLY shows his massive nose.

I just hope Disney keeps up the great work, but gets a little more violent. Look at Deadpool, the first R rated Marvel movie, it was amazing. Disney know what they are doing, but just need to get better people to do it. Endless Star Wars cinematography is fine with me as long as I enjoy every single episode.

Robert Downey Jr, the greatest.

Good night and good luck.

The movie being black and white means so much more than a blatant decision between the decision of if you’re with or against communism. In this movie, no character was really leaning towards communist , except McCarthy in his little news clips, but those were actually real life footage of McCarthy. It’s the red scare, and Edward Murrow is the voice of America. His voice is more than just a calming to the ears of Americans, but he is also a father. A father who is punishing his kids subtly. It amazes me how Murrow is a protagonist who has no heart for those around him, but is in love with his job. His passion and character makes this movie great. Murrow risks his job, the future of the company that is “cutting him his check”, but he is uncovering all this propagandistic information. I love this movie for more than this though.

Iron man before Iron man, Robert Downey Jr takes the role as Chaplin. Chaplin is in a secret affair in the office, but everybody knows. This fictional workplace love makes the heart of the audience rise. Black and white movies have to release the energy of love in a much different way that movies of color project it, for colors make the aura of love seem much more real. Chaplin knows how to make it work though!

I did not know this movie came out in 2005, for when Professor Dunphy started playing it I became confused. First thoughts, “Why is RDJ in this movie? Why is it black and white? Good night and good luck”. A movie on communism that was released during 2005, but during that time there was more. Murrow was a voice to the Americans that brought everybody together, and it is his voice that is soothing. I feel as if the only voice that can sooth an American like that today is Anderson Cooper (maybe), or maybe I’m just going crazy.

Going against the government, Senator Joseph McCarthy, by exposing their views that are antagonistic towards the government they work for is amusing. “Have you no decency sir?” That line is embroidered in the front of my brain, for after going through a literature course in which we read about the red scare for 2 months… let me get over it. The entire cast and support crew of CBS is beautiful. From the way they congratulate Murrow after every show, to their reactions during the airing of it. The applaud in the rooms, the cigarettes being puffed, even the way Murrow doesn’t care about the affection of his support crew. It just fills a bracket in my mind that shows the power Murrow had against the government and how he exploited it in a efficient way. Murrow did good for the country, for the lives of Americans did not need any communism.

Why strip of a man of his pride because his father was reading a communist newspaper? This situation would be handled much differently today, but it is still interesting to see the way the past reacts. The way these situations were controlled. The Patriots of our country should be served with entire respect, but are disrespected if one thing that goes against all they ever fought for goes wrong. It is very similar to the Singh’s and Muslims fighting for America today that requested the U.S. armed forces to allow the growing of beards. Radical Trump supporters responded to this through some hurtful tweets that was telling them to go fight for “their”(foreign) country if they don’t like the rules that are governing the U.S. army. These people should be exposed by a man like Murrow, for our country lives off amends. A democracy is only a democracy with constant change that satisfies the people. In all honesty, I do not care what you wear while fighting in order to keep me safe back home.

Good night and good luck shows the power of the voice. The influence that radio has in this country. The power of one man to bind an entire group of people. The power to expose those exploiting power. Maybe a man like this can come into power once again and use the golden voice to expose men like Donald Trump , whose words aren’t as constitutional as they sound.


An internet developed persona has extinguished the real world as I see today, but Ive already trained myself to get away from the internet world. I will not lie, I am a victim of internet addiction, but who isn’t. Social media is hilarious, for people have the greatest sense of humor, memes, corny jokes, and puns on the internet. It is so hard to convey most of those jokes through real life dialect and communication, and thats where everything else sucks. Being able to have those hysterical moments with your friends as you are all gathering should not be dying, for it should only be getting better. Social media is constructing and brainwashing the vulnerable people, their minds, their emotions, their sense of humor (most important), and it is destroying their health.

Andrew Sullivan is his own hero for blockading the internet for a while to beat some pretty rough health conditions. If I was in his position, I would have done the same exact thing. Off my own will I would not do such a thing and bar technology from my life, because then I’ll just be steps behind socially. Mentally I can become at ease, physically dominant (because I’d have more time to be active), and overall I’d probably have a healthier lifestyle. In this world you either eat or get eaten, and those who usually cut all technology from their life get eaten. You aren’t up to date, and might become clueless if you actually need it.

As a kid who grew up with no cable, my mother always brought home a different Disney movie every other day until she couldn’t get anymore. I eventually just kept recycling the movies, but it was the greatest thing ever. I became a Disney enthusiast and my first time in Disneyworld, FL, was the greatest experience of my life. This was all because I never had any technology or social media, but all I had were those movies. If somebody cuts out twitter, instagram, snapchat, etc, and focus on one specific thing (ex:school, health, family); it will most likely get done.

The world is more beautiful in person then it is on a 4k camera (maybe not), or photograph. Go out and explore. Adventuring the world, locally or worldwide, is more important than you think. We are on this planet to become as culturally diverse as possible and learn everything that surrounds us. Why would you live in a planet but contain yourself in one location? To eat foods of other countries, learn different cultures, see beautiful places, and just go outside and live a lot. In all honesty, “Live a little” is such a poor way to live.

A ultimate balance is better than a complete neglecting of life or the internet, and thats how I want to live. Using one to better define the other. Putting my experiences in the world on technology, or using technology to learn about better places in the world. A majority of the people do live like this, but don’t let one overrule the other. It is all about balance.

South Park

Hulu’s free trial did not let me down, for season 20 of South Park & The American Experience is hilarious. South Park is subtly one of the funniest shows on television, but it is so much more. It always reflects real world issues and communicates these issues to the audience through humor. South Park never failed at it’s purpose either, with its crude humor.

Garrison is stuck in an election with Caitlyn Jenner as his Vice President. He says some bogus things in the beginning of his campaign and realizes he cannot follow up, so he will forcefully throw the election to Hillary Clinton. No matter what Garrison does, he just can’t seem to get himself to look bad in the eyes of the audience of the election. While he chooses the sit during the national anthem at a 49ers game, the national anthem has just been modified and now allows anybody to sit or stand during it. Garrison is in a tight spot. Trump is a joke in South Park’s eyes and he is doing things that should get him thrown out of the election, but it is not. Even if it doesn’t throw him out the election, Trump is doing things that is causing him to lose, for his sexually explicit words, and precious actions should result in his downfall. Nothing that Garrison, who can be Trump’s figure, was doing was hurting him in the election, but he wanted it to. It was until women and sexual explicit content was brought up that there was an issue, so that was the line that was drawn. This is the same thing for Trump, for things were taken harshly and seriously. Sadly, it wasn’t until his words on sexual harassment that were leaked that he had a serious transition from women in the polls.

There are “keyboard warriors” on Twitter who remind me of the internet trolls South Park is presenting. It is all fun until their identity starts to become revealed. Then, the fear flows through their entire body. Trolls aren’t necessarily advocates for the information they are exploiting, it is more common that trolls are just trying to receive a reaction. Although most of the people who were on Twitter advocating to repeal women’s rights to vote , because it will allow Trump a better chance of winning (statistics). A lot of those Trump fiends were trolls, for nobody even knows if they were Trump supporters. It just brought them joy to see the feminist on social media, who are the basically the second largest army in the world in my eyes, angry and frustrated.

The executive order ,as explained in Satires Brew: Lecture Four, is powerful. For a president to obtain something as powerful as an executive order, the people need to elect the right person. The wrong person who can hold that can lead to a catastrophe, and it isn’t like Donald Trump doesn’t have people supporting his every day decisions. It isn’t right morally to say or do certain things! Trump is at the point where he just saying unconstitutional things left and right, virtually restoring the “golden age” of America back to the Reagan era. During Reagan’s presidency, gay rights did not exist and there were barely any Mexican workers. Foreign policy was put at a point in which other countries feared Reagan because he was a maniac. Is this the fear Trump wants from other countries? He obviously wants to cut the amount of illegal Mexicans that are working in America, but it was different for Reagan. Reagan recognized the illegal immigrants as the hard-workers in America, and didn’t just bluntly accuse them of stealing citizens jobs. Lecture three of Satire’s Brew brings up the fact that all controversial things that go on in the world is consistency brought up in South Park. This is true, for we even learned in class that they work on a 6 day schedule. South Park is as consistent as the daily news.

The radical, super conservative, nostalgia berries that the people were eating in South Park is making people believe that Regan’s era was supreme, and Garrison’s will be the same. All Garrison wants is to lose, but he is now desperate. This is ironic because Trump is theoretically doing similar things, but instead of him declining in the election; it is making him progress. Just like Garrison, both should be going down but are only moving up. Clinton has her own issues with her email scandal, but South Park doesn’t really antagonize her. Clinton is formally recognized as the better candidate (what a surprise). These nostalgia berries are what the Trump conservatives eat for breakfast, for it is their vision. This is how they have been motivated since the primaries!

Internet trolling between Trump and Clinton is also something that needs to be spoken of. This is the first election in which candidates are using Twitter to bash each other, but people love it. It is entertainment with a spice of reality. Donald Trump is well known for his internet rant on a specific group of people. His trolls appear from under the media bridge and begin to harass everybody who is affected by his tweet, negatively.



World domination!

This is similar to the protocol they’re giving the world during the original independence day with Will Smith, except in Independence day they were actually being conquered by aliens. Such mass hysteria like this was able to fool these people during 1938 because there was a more innocent and gullible sense to the audience due to the lack of technology. No visual display or instant social media where they can react instantly as a group was available, so it is true that people were fooled for a couple of seconds or even minutes. As youtube commenters say, this is the best prank ever.

This can still happen today but in a different way, and to different things. In the past decade, the world has been predicted to end countless times. The most notable incident is the “2012” incident. This actually convinced people that the world was going to end in 2012, even though it was a metaphor for the future. Also, another man convinced that he was Jesus, and the world would end by the end of week. In that same week, tornado valley suffered an abundant amount of tornadoes. Lucky coincidence to the man who called him Jesus.

People who believe those with influential voices on media prove the powerful effects model. Due to this mans voice, he caused people to believe there was an actual alien invasion going on. Also, the third person effect can be taken into consideration because after doing some research, slate has reported that everybody in that time was just amused at the next person. Claiming that they were actually fooled, when actually nobody was really fooled by this mass hysteria. Slate also reported that only few people were in tune for this broadcast, and only fewer believed it. This reveals that War of the Worlds was actually gained its glorification due to the newspapers and magazines that amplified its accomplishment.

14:00 is my favorite moment in the entire broadcast. Orson Welles is speaking as if he is walking closer to the UFO, but an awkward noise is being made as if its really there. A professor then gives a justification for the noise, for this is why it is my favorite moment. It is as if it is taken so seriously by this men, but all I picture is every thirty seconds they have to hold their mouths on air because they are laughing. This broadcast was hysterical and obviously had significant influence, because now people are less likely to become manipulated by a voice talking nonsense. This broadcast had everything around it to make this stunt successful, a good base, no commercials, daily followers.

At 30:06 Welles begins to dramatize things being shot an angle to the Martians, but you can just assume it is rockets. This is another one of my favorite moments because once I have fell for a hoax. After I attended the Hudson River Planetarium, the lead of the show told all of us that their robot that landed on Mars spotted Alien life AND THEY DIDN’T LOOK VERY HAPPY. For a significant amount of time, I believed Aliens were alive and real, probably planning their wrath on the Earth. This broke me into pieces, for going to a planetarium at such a young age; I dedicated so much time into the research of aliens. It was until my early high school years I realized I am safe. The teachers held this prank against us  for the rest of my peers and I’s high school career, because it was the same teachers in the building we saw everyday who taught us in our adolescence.

Evil across the platform

I don’t know how some of these Jocks are living a life in which they assume they are right. I don’t know how the people around them are affected, but it obviously isn’t a positive influence. I really do not know.

Freedom of speech in America has come to a point where you can completely violate ones lifestyle,religion,race, or even sexual orientation , and get away with it. Jocks should be held responsible for what they influence. Political jocks can have a strong support group, so why are they releasing such negative energy? It is as if in order to entertain or obtain view, these jocks need to completely humiliate people.

What offended me the most in this video is Michael Savage’s absurd comments on a liberal mindset and towards the gay community. “Choke on a sausage and die”,”Go get Aids”… this should not be allowed. This is verbal abuse! This radical conservative mindset is what holds America back, but he’s addressing the liberals as if they have a “MENTAL DISORDER”.


Donald Trump has been getting away with things your usual candidate would get harassed for. First off, Trump has come out and humiliated tax payers, calling us idiots. Tax payers, those who are paying taxes to help fund public education, hospitals, public security, etc. These are things that are necessary in order to keep the country strong, but not for Donald Trump. His wealth is immaculate and should not be dirtied by taxes. According to irs.gov:

Any person who willfully attempts to evade or defeat any tax imposed by this title or the payment thereof shall, in addition to other penalties provided by law, be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof: Shall be imprisoned not more than 5 years

but no way are we going to lock up this man and charge him with a felon! He has too much money! I pray to God he gets in trouble for this because felons can’t run for President, but we all know this isn’t going to happen.

Donald Trump supporters are insane. If you truly believe that a man can come into office as President, violate our constitutional rights, get whatever new amendments he wants ratified, and do all this within a term; you’re insane. Donald Trump proposed making all muslims register in a database, something that will distinguish them from the rest of society. This is so society can be aware of the Muslim community and all their danger! This freak-show Trump really proposed something so unconstitutional up months ago, but why? Trump is against bringing the Muslims who need the help from America into America. A country in which we open our arms to those in need is now slowly turning into a country who is thinking about turning away refugees. This is all because of one man who is regurgitating nonsense into the minds of his followers. Not all Muslims are terrorists, terrorists are terrorists. Those who have intention to kill, will find a way to kill. You can try to stop them but if it is their first intention, it’s inevitable.

Donald Trump has put me in a spot where hating free speech is a thing. His voice is obnoxious, his tone is arrogant, words are filthy, and he is a pig. This man has been exposed via phone call for sexual harassment, but he still running for President. Trump’s son has stated that if women don’t want to be sexually harassed, they shouldn’t be in the workplace with men.



Pump up the volume was a great movie. Who doesn’t love their average teenage rebellion movie? Pump up the volume actually consisted of a consistency that the media links with the behavior of teenagers. In pump up the volume, the protagonists radio show is on almost every night, and a majority of the school listens to it. This one kid who came from another state had the perfect opportunity to lead a rebellion through a radio show without getting caught, and he did just that. As a teenager, it is usually our first instinct to rebel!

Every single teen in that movie had different characteristics. There was one girl who was sick of being pressured to go to Yale, and another guy who wasn’t even in high school because he got kicked out. He’s basically a mess, but that’s not the point. Both of these individuals have completely different situations, but were influenced by the radio show. They did not do the same thing to rebel, for the girl took all her Yale gear and put it in the microwave. The boy… just kept doing things that would keep him out of high school! This can be known as the individual differences theory. 

The main character sent a hostility missile into his high school for corruption almost every single show, so you can imagine the amount of attention that was brought to it by student listening. Even teachers who didn’t listen who understand that the problem was now because that foolish radio show host. This is actually hilarious, because nowhere throughout the movie does a teacher actually tune in live to listen. They usually listen to it as a tape recording of the show is played in school! Stone age teachers didn’t know how to use their stone age technology? The world will never know. Ultimately, the radio brought attention to the importance of being who you want to be and the problem of the corruption in the school. This can be known as the agenda setting theory.

It as if the radio show was a stress stimulant to every single person listening to it live, for they all honestly had some dramatic thing going on. Different issues, but yet all just make them stressed out. They enjoyed listening to it, so it usually links up with happiness! However, another kid just ended up committing suicide after calling the radio show. The radio show couldn’t convince him his life was valuable, so he took it. This shows that different people used the radio show differently; uses and gratification theory.

REBELS INFLUENCED BY REBELS. If only one kid watched that radio show, he would’ve been the only kid trying to rebel? FALSE! This kid would have influenced at least one more kid on rebellion…and so on… and so on. Social learning theory can prove that one person learning by observing another person and it is actually pretty true throughout this movie. They have their own view of the world, but it is not being crafted by this radio show (in a great way though). Being able to do what they want,what they love, listen to no adult, REBEL, REBEL, REBEL! Isn’t just so much fun going off the cultivation theory in which people views are shaped by the media.

I love that in this movie, the kid who seemed as if he wouldn’t have the radio show was doing it. He didn’t use it for social dominance, but used it to escape. He was escaping from all the foolishness Arizona was carrying. This escape was beautiful, for he expressed himself in a way that he couldn’t in a public on the radio show. Beautiful.

Oliver & Nast: heroes behind the boards

Oliver & Nast are almost as similar as they are different. Both Nast and Oliver are trying to expose the major flaw in the society they live in, but in different ways. While they were using media, Nast was using political cartoons and Oliver is a broadcaster. Nast had more of a narrow  view when presenting his issues because he was living in the era where they were more worried about the actual issues going on; such as slavery. Oliver begins to humiliate the way information is presented, so he has less attention to the issues that Nast would’ve seen differently. Both lived in completely different time periods where information is presented differently. John Oliver had the voice and personality of a comedian that he expressed through his broadcast, but Nast was able to express his form of comedy through his cartoons. Thus, Nast and Oliver were able to reveal simple issues with society through basic things they were good at.

Oliver’s main focus of his show is to expose. He wanted to expose all the facades in the industry, whether it was from politics to traditional journalism. He brought it out with the seasoning Jon Stewart used, comedy. One thing I’ve noticed about these comedians is they have a sense of tolerance towards the issues of the political world even though they act outraged on the camera. In Satire’s Brew,“If you’re going to be tolerant, you must tolerate the intolerant. The advantage to knowing someone’s outlook is you are aware of where they place on the spectrum.”(Dunphy pg97), Dunphy elaborated on the mindset of Oliver, but also of Oliver’s viewers. The viewers who appreciate Oliver EXPOSING these fools are tolerant.  Although his comedy isn’s cruel because the facts are presented as he places his victims on a rotisserie, in which he will figuratively roast them, he still seems to push some stiff thoughts into our minds. We obviously do not rely on paper news as much we use too, but we unintentionally need it. A major source for these “fifth estate” based shows and the fourth estate itself is articles and post from newspapers. Even though we do not read the newspaper itself, we are receiving the information orally. This is so common and traditional in journalism to cite a newspaper to help complete your article and Oliver had to EXPOSE the lack of creativity within each broadcaster. In no way,shape, or form had any other broadcaster tried being unique. Oliver was able to expose them, and he even proved his show to be much more reliable. Oliver also exposes politicians, for he holds the common Jon Steward-based-fundamental in making politicians choke. I have not watched a video where he interviewed a politician and questioned him to the point where he/she chokes on camera, but he has went in depth on a situation. This situation, if watched by the politician, would have definitely caused him/her to get mesmerized or outraged. He does this with his Donald Trump mockery. Oliver is exposing these insane politicians in a simple way, comedy.

In the journalism video, Oliver calls himself a journalist and not a comedian. I believe both Stewart and Oliver are journalists and comedians. For one, you can’t say “they aren’t comedians” because they’re clearly on comedy central for a reason. This reason is both know how to entertain a crowd with humor. Both present facts of the world while using humor to bring out a chuckle to crowd. This formula Oliver and Stewart follow while broadcasting has allowed people to become more attentive towards politics. If people relied on Stewart’s “The Daily Show” for their source of information on what is going on in politics, then you can imagine how these major news stations feel. Stations that are crafted to be all about these politics, all day long, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. have just took the biggest loss ever to a news station that airs on comedy central for 23 minutes.

Nast, Oliver , and Stewart won the most important thing as journalists. They won the hearts of the people who viewed. All were able to draw back the attention of those they were entertaining. “Comparable to tweed, Nast’s power was not in the ballot box but with the hearts and minds of the people.”(Dunphy 107) shows that Nast won the soul of the election and he wasn’t even running. His political cartoons was more important than the debates going on. Nast’s simple cartoons can sum up an entire 3 hour debate. Immigrants needed this during his time too, for most immigrants were illiterate. A picture was a million words to them, for Nast understood this with complete brilliance! A journalist who puts heart and soul into their work. A journalist who uses comedy in order to prove a point that people may not have focused on. A journalist that has Greenwald’s theory of a sense of uniqueness and opinion. That is a journalist who is doing their job right.

They don’t get paid to tell you their opinion, but their goal is to make you have your own opinion. It works.

Jon Stewart: A Journalist and a Comedian

Stop questioning journalists who know how to put a point across without just stating the blatant facts. Jon Stewart is in fact a comedian and a journalist. Stewart fits exactly what Greenwald was trying to illustrate as a journalist who can draw the readers mind into a trance because of opinions or personal beliefs. Stewart found a way to turn the personal belief into some amazing humor, but it still seems to find a way into politically correct reasons for us to believe certain things.

A perfect example of this is on The Daily Show:Chaos on Bullshit Mountain, Stewart begins to bash political figures in the 2012 election. He wasn’t necessarily coming at Obama in the beginning, even though he addressed him as the worst president in the U.S, but he was actually targeting the candidate going against Obama. Journalists are meant to present the bare facts as we were told by Greenwald and that is exactly what Stewart does while showing the statistics of the 2012 election. Obama was addressed as the worst president ever, but he was winning the race. That is when Stewarts great sense of humor shows up, for he humiliates Mitt Romney by saying if Obama is supposed to be the worst president ever and you’re losing to him; you suck. He used his unique comedy to state his opinion and Keller would have greatly appreciated that. Meanwhile using his opinionated humor, he presents the facts that back it up. You can’t go wrong with this guy.

In page 6 of Satire’s Brew, Brian Dunphy’s fictional character places a phenomenal quote that Stewart once says that can vividly describe the correlation between his comedian ego and journalist ego, “ Governments have realized that jokes- if your regime is not strong enough to handle a joke then you don’t have a regime. You may say that is an insult… I don’t know if you have it adding insult to injury… A joke has never ridden a motorcycle into a crowd with a baton; a joke has never shot teargas into a group of people in a park. It’s just talk.”. You begin to feel exactly how you would feel as if you were Ollie in an interview, for the imagery is perfect. Stewart uses his comedy to subtly affect those who he knows would be butt-hurt if he said it blatantly. The facts are there, but the twist of a journalist Keller advocates for is in the humorous ego of Stewart.

Jon Stewart is a legend, for even when he wasn’t exposing phony politicians as a comedian; he knew how to make the heroes of our country laugh during their darkest moments. During the interview with the 9/11 first responders, you feel the pain of every single first responder who did not receive proper compensation after their duties during & after the terrorist attack that took down the Twin Towers. Stewarts opinion brings the better out of this interview, because he is outraged at the way these first responders have been treated. He even shows video poof of Senator Jon Kyl speaking with bizarre intentions. Ultimately, Stewart knows the respect and courage all of FDNY, NYPD, and all first responders deserve. This allowed him to crack jokes such as “did you guys have a majority vote to decide if you were all going to go help at the towers… did you promise chile on friday night?”. It is important to recognize Jon Stewart as a journalist and a comedian because he blended both aspects into his technique during The Daily Show.